“Unlocking potential for lifelong learning, grounded in Christian values.”
The reasoning behind our vision tag line:
Our school badge is the cross keys of St Peter, the keys to heaven. It is a symbolic link to our close association with St Peter’s Church, Stratton.
As we are all aware keys are used to lock and unlock and,as a school,we seek to unlock the potential of all members of our school community.
Unlocking our potential allows us to flourish and grow as children and adults with rich and well balanced lives. Here at Stratton school we strive to ....
Unlock potential to become successful learners and make progress through our mistakes
Unlock potential to develop our 'learning powers'
Unlock potential to ask big questions
Unlock potential to forgive and work together
Unlock potential to seek support
Unlock potential to grow in Christian values
Unlocking potential to walk in friendship with God though life
Rev 3 20-21 words of Jesus to us about our hearts:
"Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you"
Click below to see how our vision is anchored in Biblical teaching across the school