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Class 3 have had a lovely last week of term.  They all did so well working together during our Forest School morning and were treated by the production of The Jungle Book!  We hope that everyone has a well-earned rest and lots of fun over the summer holidays!


Class 3 had a fantastic history and geography trip to Gloucester Docks on Wednesday.   We all loved catching the train too!


Class 3 had a brilliant trip to Powell's School this week to pond dip.  All of the class loved fishing for all of the minibeasts and then identifying them.  Great team work!



What  a busy week Class 3 have had!  They did a wonderful violin performance after their 10 whole class violin lessons.  We also welcomed Olympians into school and enjoyed the assembly their ran and also the PE session with them.  It all helped to get them ready for Sports Day this week too!



Another very busy week in Class 3!  The class loved history week which included making Greek food from our Greek Gods and myths history unit.  We hope that you enjoyed it too.  We also enjoyed a concert from our cellists and violinists.  



Class 3 thoroughly enjoyed our RE Big Freeze day today.  They travelled around all seven classrooms throughout the day, learning different stories from the Bible and enjoyed arts and crafts activities. We now have seven big boards of the stories, which the whole school has helped to make. Well done Class 3!



What a great first week back Class 3 have had!  We are continuing with our maths work on measuring length and mass.  Our new story in English is 'The Star in the Jar' which the children are loving.  We are also busy practising for our whole school singing concert next week which will be outside and we hope that lots of the parents and grandparents will be able to come.  Here are some photos of us practising!



Wow what a fantastic wellbeing week we have had!  We loved yoga with Ottilie's mum, our violin lesson, a wellbeing workshop with Lizzie Bean, forest school and House Rounders too!  We hope that everyone has a lovely half term holiday. 



Class 3 have had another great week!  The class are enjoying writing their explanations texts all about their chosen robotic pet!  They have also had so many questions and been so mature about learning all about growing and changing.  We were very proud of their sensible approach to their learning.  We have also uploaded the Nelson Mandela Class 3 Assembly from last week into the Video section of the School Website ( , which we hope you enjoy!  



Class 3 started the week with our muslim visitor.  As part of the RE curriculum of learning about a number of world religions, it was so  beneficial to the class to hear from the visitor some of the teachings of Islam.  The visitor was so impressed with the children's knowledge about Islam, from visiting the mosque and also all of the questions they asked.  Class 3 were also treated to a special science lesson from Mrs Wyndow all about acid, alkali and neutral solutions.  The class had to investigate what the mystery solution could be.   The class also wrote and performed a fantastic assembly on our courageous advocate Nelson Mandela.  Well done Class 3!



Class 3 have had a busy week including their first game of rounders, enjoying the class violin lessons and starting our new writing unit of writing an explanation about how a robot dog works.  We also enjoyed some time in the sun for our wellbeing lessons, thinking about what are secrets and what are surprises.  We hope that you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend!



Another busy week in Class 3!  The class are making good progress in the violin lessons.  We have started to write our independent stories based on the myth Theseus and the Minotaur. The class are all coming up with some great ideas for their stories!  We also had a very informative safety talk about railway safety ready for our school trip on July 10th - more details to follow soon. 



What a week in Class 3!  We have enjoyed our maths day where we had to crack the code for the maths escape room which was fun. Then we loved the visit from the Science Institute where we enjoyed an amazing show all about the digestive system!  We are also learning how to play rounders, ready for our inter-house competition at the end of the term.  Well done Class 3!

12 April 2024


What a busy first week back Class 3 have had!  We had our first of 10 whole class violin lessons which was fun!  Then we also had a fantastic visit to SkillZone to learn about so many safety messages.  Please do look on the Terms 5&6 of our Class 3 section with lots of photos of our trip.  

22 March 2024

We wish everybody a very happy Easter holiday!  We have had another busy week in Class 3.  Everyone loved the Scootability on the playground!  The whole class did a great job as the choir in the Years 3&4 Production.  They had learnt the songs so well, sang with gusto and danced along too!  We also enjoyed our Easter Service in Stratton Church on Thursday.  We hope that everybody has a well deserved rest!

The children have certainly experienced a whole host of opportunities during our science week. Hopefully they have gained a great insight into how science plays such an important part in our everyday lives. We are especially grateful to all our visiting scientists who took the time to come and share their expertise.  Mrs Crawford held fascinating presentations and workshops on forensic science. Classes 2 & 3 were stunned to find their classrooms had been turned into a crime scene! Together, they had to use their knowledge of footprints and DNA to solve the crime.  Mrs Wyndow gave a brilliant talk about what is involved in being a medical engineer.  Our whole school STEM challenge to design and make a marble run was a great hit.   We also undertook a range of experiments in class, please enjoy the photos!

Wow what a busy week we have had in Class 3!  We were visited by a Viking before our swimming lessons.  Then we enjoyed finding out about Light and Shadow in Science.  In Geography we learnt all about earthquakes and what children in earthquake areas have to do to be safe.  We have been busy practising our songs for the Class 3&4 Production.  Then we have loved choosing our World Book Day books after a special reading assembly.  Enjoy the rest this weekend Class 3!

1 March 2024

Class 3 are really enjoying our Geography topic of volcanoes and making our own mini eruption too!   We are enjoying it so much that we are writing our independent write based on a story which includes a volcano.  Great work Class 3!

Class 3 have had a busy week back after half term!  They loved tasting bread as part of our DT topic this term.  They were busy practising their French vocabulary with their partners, they have learnt a lot this year!   In Geography we started our new topic all about volcanoes and earthquakes.  We started by making the Earth using playdoh from the Inner Core all the way out to the land and the sea.  In PE we were practising making shakes in Gymnastics.  Well done Class 3!

9th February 2024


The final week of term has been very busy for class 3. We have finished our own rhyming poems based on 'The Sound Collector.' As well as this we have finished our column addition and subtraction unit in maths which all of us have enjoyed. We have also had fun completing our house cross country race this week. It was lovely to see you all in fancy dress/ non-uniform on Friday. Keep up the good work class 3, and have a happy half term!

2 February 2024

Class 3 has had a very exciting week! On Tuesday we created part of a mosaic that will be placed outside of the school. We also began looking at our poem 'The Sound Collector' and are thinking about how we can write our own poems. In French we had a lot of fun practicing how to sing 'head, shoulders knees and toes' in French! 

Keep up the great work class 3!

26 January 2024


It has been another busy week for class 3. This week we have completed some amazing work on column addition. We have also started learning the names of our body parts in French. As well as this we have finished our English topic of 'The Incredible Book Eating Boy.' The children have written their own adapted version of the book and published them! Keep up the great work class 3!

It has been an exciting week for Class 3. This week we visited a mosque in Gloucester, we gained lots of knowledge around what life is like as a Muslim.  As well as this we have been exploring how magnets work in our science lessons, considering what day to day objects are magnetic and why. In reading we have been looking at the book 'The Street Beneath My Feet,' this has allowed us to think about what is underground and why it is important. We are also continuing to enjoy our swimming lesson each Monday afternoon . Great work Class 3!

12 January 2024

It has been a busy first week back for class 3. This week in English we have started looking at our new humous book 'The Incredible Book Eating Boy' and have begun creating our own wonderful sentences. We have also started exploring the topic of the Shang Dynasty in our History lessons. In PE we have been looking at how important it is to use communication, we thought about how it can be easy to communicate to one or two people and how it can become a challenge when it is the whole class. We also had our first swimming lesson on Monday and are excited for them to continue. Well done Class 3, keep it up!
