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Monday 2nd - Friday 6th December 2024

This week was another busy one for Class R as it was their Nativity performances. They did really well performing alongside KS1 for the school and 2 performances for their grown ups. We also had a fun week writing letters to Father Christmas and walked them to the local post box in an envelope with a stamp to make sure they arrive in Reindeerland! Well done Class R.

Monday 25th - Friday 29th November 2024

Another great week in Class R, we learnt some new sounds and had fun consolidating our knowledge using playdough and playing games. In Literacy we learnt our Non-Fiction text of 'The Owl' and retold it using storytelling actions. We learnt that a group of owls is called a Parliament and a baby owl is called an 'owlet'.

Monday 18th - Friday 22nd November 2024

This week we started our learning all about 'owls'. In our Drawing Club this week, we focused on the Owl Babies story and practised our cutting skills by cutting out our own owl. One of the afternoons was spent outside this week building a home for our owl and we also learnt the words 'swooped' and 'perched'. We enjoyed finding places to perch our owl on! Well done Class R.

Monday 4th - Friday 8th November 2024

Class R had a really busy week this week learning about two celebrations - Diwali and Bonfire Night! We made small clay pots called Diva lamps which we then decorated after learning about Diwali and learnt about firework safety and made firework paintings with toilet rolls. For Bonfire Night we also went outside to make our own bonfire and leaf sparklers.

Monday 30th - Friday 4th October 2024

Class R have had another busy week. We have spent some time looking at our new season of Autumn and did great sorting of leaves by all the beautiful colours we found outside. We continued to work on our new story of Rosie's walk and began coming up with some new ideas of where Rosie could go. We also attended our first Open the Book worship of the year and sat beautifully - well done Class R!

Monday 23rd - Friday 27th September 2024

This week was fun for Class R as they had their very first Forest School session! They had a fantastic time exploring the area, hunting for bugs and insects and climbing trees. Well done everyone.

Monday 16th - Friday 20th September 2024

Another great week for the children in Class R. We have continued to explore our learning environment and have played lots of games, alongside singing songs and having fun. We have been talking lots about ourselves, our families and started painting our self portraits. We also took home our first reading books this week and are doing a great job retelling stories from pictures!

W/B: 24th June 2024

We started this week cooking an amazing afternoon tea with Chef Mel! The children all took part in a carousel of cookery activities; egg and cress sandwiches, lemon mousse tartlets, jam tarts and cupcakes. Lots of skills were practised and we even invited our parents in at the end of the day to share our afternoon tea boxes with them. What a fantastic start to our week!

W/B: 20th May 2024

Our last week of summer term 1 was also our school 'Wellbeing Week'. We had a fantastic week of learning full of lots of exciting activities; from circuit training, to a football rounders game and an amazing session called 'Beanology'. Here are some photos to show what we got up to during this exciting session talking about our similiarities and differences, as well as making matchboxes to keep our special beans inside. Well done Class R, now have a fantastic half term holiday!

W/B: 13th May 2024

Class R have had another super week learning. We have been busy doing lots of writing in Literacy and we have innovated our stories of The Three Little Pigs. We have learnt the sound /ear/ in phonics. In Maths we have been busy counting to 20 and making different arrangements using objects in the classroom. We have also enjoyed some of our PE lessons outside in the sunshine and have explored the Beebots this week, navigating them around maps of towns and forests. Well done Class R!

W/B: 7th May 2024

After a sunny bank holiday weekend, Class R had a lovely time back with their friends. We learnt the /oi/ sound in phonics and are getting really good at spotting the sounds we have learnt in words. We also had a fantastic visit from an ambulance on Thursday and spent lots of time looking inside at all the equipment and that the job role is a Paramedic. This was great support to our learning on Cirencester and what important places we have and need in town. Thank you to Joe for a fantastic learning experience! We also had fun planting sunflowers and learning in our outdoor classroom.

W/B: 29th April 2024

Class R have had lots of exploring and fun this week. In phonics we have learnt the new sound /ow/ and have done some great reading and writing in their phonics sessions. We have continued our story of The Three Little Pigs and went on to make some changes to the characters to write our own stories! We also enjoyed our first little trip to Stratton Church as part of our RE learning. We enjoyed hunting for all of the features of a church on our spotters sheet. Well done Class R!

W/B: 22nd April 2024

We have had another busy week in Class R. We have learnt the /ur/ sound in Phonics and have continued to learn our new story of The Three Little Pigs. We have done some story sequencing as well as writing some descriptive sentences of the big, bad wolf! We have enjoyed learning about doubles in Maths and have also spent time learning about Cirencester and designing our own town maps full of important places! We also looked at how we can help to look after our planet by recycling and learnt a bit about our Courageous Advocate, David Attenborough. Well done Class R, another great week of learning and exploring.


W/B: 11th March 2024

Wow! What a busy week we have had in Class R. The children have really engaged with our whole school Science Week and have taken part in a variety of experiments and fun investigations, as well as listening to talks by lots of different scientists who do lots of different jobs. We enjoyed a visit from the Fire Service and the children explored a fire engine, listened to a talk from a pilot (and who took Edward Bear on a trip to Shanghai!), made a rainbow water xylophone and lots more. Alongside this, we also learnt our new sound /ar/ and are very good at coming up with words that include this sound. Well done another fantastic week of learning and exploring!

W/B: 4th March 2024

Another busy week in Class R, we have learnt the short sound /oo/ (as in book) this week and are continuing to do a fantastic job with our reading and writing. A particular highlight this week was celebrating World Book Day! We were invited to bring in our favourite book from home and share it with our friends, as well as visiting the pop up book shop to collect our world book day book. We also had a go at drawing a new front cover for our favourite story as well as visited other classes to listen to a story at the end of the day. 

W/B: 26th February 2024

This week we have been busy learning the /oo/ sound in Phonics and have all had a go at writing lots of different words and short sentences with this sound in. We have started learning our new story of The Elves and the Shoemaker using our story map and actions to retell it, alongside role playing in the Shoemaker's workshop. In RE, we have enjoyed learning about Palm Sunday and were able to act out Jesus arriving on the donkey with palm leaves waving at him shouting 'Hosanna!' We all noticed lots of different plants popping up outside, so we investigated our new season of Spring and painted some lovely daffodil pictures and also went outside to do some plant drawings. Well done everyone for another super week of learning and exploring!

W/B: 19th February 2024

Class R have had a great week back after the holidays. Our sound of the week this week has been the /oa/ sound and we have read and written lots of words with this sound in! In Literacy, we were busy sharing and writing about our half term adventures and went on to find clues as to what our new story is going to be - we found pictures of lots of shoes! This week we have also started to take part in the Daily Mile, a very short running activity that we are doing as a school. The children have enjoyed this extra bit of active-ness in the afternoons! They also enjoyed planting cress seeds in RE this week to show 'new life' as they start their next unit of work. Well done Class R, a lovely first week back!

W/B: 5th February 2024

The children have had another great final week of term before the half term holiday. They have been busy learning a non-fiction report on 'Owls' and have done some brilliant writing sharing their knowledge. We have had lots of activities based on owls and have enjoyed painting and mask making. We have explored some instruments and also did lots of activities for 'Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing' Week. We made a 'get well' jar, full of good ideas to make us feel better when we are sad and practised our unicorn breathing. Well done Class R!

W/B: 29th January 2024 

Time is flying as we complete another week in Class R. The children have been working really hard on their short sentence writing to describe a picture. We say the sentence in our head, count how many words and try to write them down using our phonics. Everyone is really trying hard, well done! We have also enjoyed lots of painting, colouring, counting and playing games with our friends, alongside taking part in the school Mosaics. Hopefully we will have some pictures to show you all soon!

W/B: 22nd January 2024

Class R have had another great week at school. We have continued our learning of 'Winter' and have had a go at completing a cutting, sorting and sticking activity of winter or summer clothes! Lots of discussion and talking too - well done. In Literacy we have spent the week creating our own versions of 'The Gingerbread Man' by changing the characters of the story into something different, we have had some great stories of 'The Cookie Man' and even 'The Tiger Loaf Man'. Some amazing ideas, well done Class R. We have also had fun this week building models with our brand new set of magnetic tiles - some great 3D shape discussion going on too and also playing lots of counting games in Maths, another busy week!

W/B: 15th January 2024

Class R have had fun this week learning around our theme of 'Winter'. They have painted some brilliant snowmen, enjoyed practicing their letter formation in 'snow' and discussing the weather and signs of the season. In Literacy we have continued to learn our story of 'The Gingerbread Man' using our story map and actions, alongside our subitising and numeral matching in Maths. They are all continuing to do really well with their reading and this week we have learnt the sound /ai/. Well done Class R!

W/B: 8th January 2024

Class R have had a great week back after the Christmas holiday. We started the week learning about New Year and how people celebrate it - we even had a go at joining in with Auld Lang Syne and saw a clip from the London fireworks. We used the balancing equipment during our PE session this week and did a fantastic job. We also enjoyed exploring our new 'Construction' area in our outdoor classroom. Well done Class R.
