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Curriculum Intent

We believe in a broad and balanced curriculum where all subjects are valued. Our curriculum is underpinned by our five core values and will equip our children with a breadth of knowledge and skills for all areas of life. We instill children with the skills to become lifelong learners.


We will bring teaching to life and inspire children by providing tangible experiences both within and outside the school and will involve experts from the local community


The school’s curriculum is firmly based on the National Curriculum and uses the programmes of study and attainment targets as end points from which to work towards. Parents and carers can find out more about the curriculum we follow on the link below:

National curriculum in England: primary curriculum - GOV.UK (


The curriculum is planned so there is progression between year groups and opportunities are provided for new learning, knowledge acquisition, skills and creativity. Teachers use their evaluations to provide opportunities to reactivate learning and practice their skills, which are also planned into the teaching units. Planning is adapted to suit the needs of all pupils.


The school complies with its duties in the Equality Act 2010 and is rooted in an unwavering commitment to ensure the success of every pupil. Equality of opportunity is at the heart of our vision, with an insistence that all pupils will do well. We are committed to avoiding discrimination and promoting equality to support the attainment and progress of all pupils, regardless of their circumstances and backgrounds.


Stratton C of E School implements the statutory guidance within the SEND Regulations 2014 by  working closely with families and external professionals.


Adults take account of the need of the need for a broad curriculum and progression through year groups when choosing which units to study.


The full curriculum is taught throughout the year in every year group. 
