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Welcome Letter Sept 2022



Dear Parents and Carers,


As we settle into a new academic year at Stratton I wanted to welcome you back to school, particularly to the new families that have joined us. I hope the children have enjoyed their return to school and are ready for the fun and challenges that the year will bring. I know that staff have been working hard over the summer break to ensure we provide the best possible experience for the children.


September is a busy time for governors as we write our priorities for the year and formulate our plans for monitoring the school’s performance. We also evaluate our own performance and identify training needs.


We have taken on board what you told us in the parent survey, as well as the staff and pupil surveys, and this feedback is being incorporated into our school priorities and development plan. I hope that you have noticed some changes already.


Stratton Primary School has a wonderful ethos, which governors are privileged to regularly see. I would like to thank all parents who help ensure the success of the school. I’d particularly like to thank the PTA for raising much needed funds to enable us to provide the children with wonderful experiences. There are many ways you can support and it doesn’t have to involve a lot of time. We appreciate anything you can do, whether it be volunteering in school, listening to children read or supporting the PTA. The active support of parents is so important to the success of the school and education of the children, you can really make a difference.  


I look forward to seeing many of you through the year. If you have any queries about the school’s Governance do get in touch.


Best wishes,


Caroline Crawford

Chair of Governors





