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Collective Worship

 Unlock potential for lifelong learning


Everyone at Stratton works collaboratively to create a safe, happy and inclusive learning environment which recognises, nurtures and celebrates the uniqueness of each individual.


Together, in partnership with St. Peter’s Church, we root our relationships, in kindness, compassion, faith and friendship. They are key to helping us all, grow in confidence and self-esteem, so we are able to unlock our full potential - academically, socially, morally and spiritually.


Our Christian values and Learning Powers are the foundation for all aspects of our curriculum. Through rich and varied experiences, we build resilience so that as life-long learners we face challenges and persevere, with courage, empathy and self-belief.


We foster the skills, knowledge, beliefs and personal qualities to enable children to grow into responsible global citizens and make purposeful contributions to society, locally, nationally and world-wide.

MondayWhole school worship10.00pmMrs Towler
TuesdayWhole school worship10.00amMrs Towler
WednesdayWhole school hymn practice10.00pmMrs Shirra
ThursdayOpen the Book9.30am and 10.00amChurch visitors
FridayWhole school celebration worship1.00pmMrs Towler



