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Term 5 & 6

Term 6


Welcome back to our final term in Class 3! It really has gone far too quickly. Term 6 is our favourite term of the year as we have many wonderful exciting adventures ahead….


From District Sports to violin lessons, a trip to Gloucester Docks, Sports Day, Summer Fayre and finally Stratton’s Got Talent, we can assure you the children are going to have a wonderful, jam-packed term.


Please see our medium term plan which shows our curriculum for term 6. 

Term 5

It’s the summer term! We hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break and are now rested and raring to go. We have a jam-packed term ahead of us with many exciting activities.  Please see our class term 5 letter and our medium term plan for more details on what we will be learning about this term. 

Term 5 letter to parents

Term 5 medium term plan
