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w/c 11th November

This week in science we started learning about 'Living Things and their Habitats'. We created actions for each of the life processes and then went outside to find objects which are alive, not living and never alive. Super observations and investigations Class 2/

w/c 4th November

This week we have been excited by Bonfire Night and celebrated by dancing as fireworks in PE. We span, swirled and jumped as high and fast as we could! We also completed the Bebras challenge, using our computational thinking to solve logical problems. A great start to the term.

w/c 21st October

We have had a very busy last week of term! In Maths we continued learning about addition, in English we completed our independent write and  in DT we made our party sandwiches. They were delicious!

Harvest Festival

A walk to church today for Harvest Festival. It was lovely to take some time to sing our harvest songs and spend some time in reflection.

w/c 14th October

This week Class 2 have been focusing on addition in maths, adding single digit numbers to 2 digit numbers and learning mental methods for addition. We have also started writing our own fairy tales and designing our own party sandwiches in DT.

Cheltenham Literacy Festival, 9th October

Class 2 had a wonderful time when they visited Cheltenham Literature Festival. The weather stayed dry and we met the Gruffalo! We also enjoyed listening to Joseph Cohello and the story teller in the story shack. A super trip out!

World Mental Health Day 10th October

Stratton School wore yellow to mark this special day and in Class 2 we took part in some very special activities to help us focus on our mental health. We started the day with some mindful colouring and we talked about what mental health is and how we can look after ourselves. The children produced some wonderful pictures showing what made them happy, including swimming, playing with their friends and gardening. We then did yoga in the hall to look after our minds and bodies.

It was lovely to have a visit from Lisa the Library Lady to Class 2. She read us some great stories and made some very funny voices. Thank you, Lisa!

W/B 30th September 2024

We have spent our week thinking about shapes! We learnt all about the properties of 3D shapes then had a go building some of our own using marshmallows and spaghetti.

W/B 23rd September 2024

A super week in Class 2! We enjoyed history week, spending time in a Victorian school with a very strict teacher, lines to write and dunces hats when we were not ready to learn. We heard about our local history and created some very special artwork to celebrate.

W/B 16th September

We have had a great week this week. We planned our own instructions for building a bug home, carried on with our maths lessons on place value and played invasion games in PE. In science we have been learning about life cycles and drew some examples of our own. In DT we have been looking at party food and this week we made our own party sandwiches - the children loved the activity and they were very pleased with the results. They were delicious!

W/B 9th September

Wow! Some super focus this week as the children got stuck into their lessons. We have been learning about place value in Maths, a practical lesson helped us understand the composition of numbers. In English we have written instructions so everyone can make their own bird feeders ready for the winter and in DT we starting thinking about our favourite party food before we make our own this term. Well done Class 2! 

W/B 6th September 2024

We have had a fantastic first week back settling into Class 2. We have made bird feeders; talked about how to keep our hands and teeth clean; and used our Diamond learning power to solve some super maths problems. We are looking forward to the rest of the year, sharing our learning with you and unlocking our potential.

W/C 8th July - Forest School

W/c 1st July

Class 2 have had a much needed 'normal' week at school this week. We've finished our maths topic on capacity and moved back to revising addition and subtraction, ready for Class 3. We also enjoyed getting the globes out, talking about where the equator line was and why some continents had a hotter climate than others. I was impressed by all of Class 2's geographical knowledge. We were also treated to a visit from Lisa (from Cirencester library). We absolutely loved her dinosaur stories, as well as her dinosaur dress! Thank you Lisa for encouraging us all to get to the library this Summer :) 

What a sporty week we've had! Class 2 have had a great week meeting some Olympic athletes and taking part in their training sessions as well as a brilliant sports day. I think we all need a good weekend's rest now! :) 

Class 2 have had a great week with some really exciting activities. They spent Monday afternoon with the Cooking Club making chilli con carne and jacket potatoes. All of the children had a go at chopping the vegetables and mixing the chilli. Well done Class 2 for great listening and team work skills. We then went back in time on Tuesday to the Victorian era. The children had a fantastic day pretending to go to a Victorian school. We did some chanting of our timestables, maths on the abacus, William Morris artwork and drills in P.E. Some naughty children even had to wear dunces hats and face the cane!!! Uh oh! 

Class 2 have had another fun filled week. We enjoyed showing Mrs Hudson our developing composing/improvising skills on the glockenspiels. We also had a great time at the Picnic in the Park concert. We hope everyone enjoyed listening to our beautiful voices too. Finally, we ended the week taking part in the 'Big Frieze' day. The children loved spending the day with other classes and created some wonderful artwork to show the bible stories that we are focusing on. It will hopefully be up on display in the hall soon for us all to enjoy :) 

Class 2 had an amazing day out on Tuesday with the Platform team. We are all so proud of how sensible the children were getting on and off the train, as well as walking carefully along the canal. They all listened brilliantly and were very engaged and enthusiastic when learning about the different waterways, plants and animal habitats we saw along the way. WELL DONE CLASS 2 :) 

Well Being week has been fantastic this week. A big thank you to Mrs Sibson and all our volunteers who made it so special. We started each day with some mindfulness colouring. The children really enjoyed easing into the school day :) On Monday, we took a trip down to Powell's school to do some exploring in and around their pond area. The children absolutely loved it and were very excited to see some newts in their nets too. On Wednesday, we thoroughly enjoyed spending some time with Lizzie Bean. We thought about how special we all are individually and created our own little beans to take home. We also enjoyed our rugby training session from Billy's Dad (Class 1). He taught us how important exercise is for our wellbeing but also that we needed to remember that listening and communicating are so important when we work together. Finally, we ended the week with our forest school session. The marshmallows were particularly delicious. Have a wonderful half term break and we'll see you all back for our final term in Class 2 :) 

Class 2 had a brilliant afternoon on Tuesday when Mrs Foot came in from Cirencester Skillz to give Liliana her 'magic moment'. We all enjoyed watching Liliana showing us her favourite stretches, punches and kicks before smashing two pieces of wood with just her hands and feet!! WOW! We then all got to have a go at counting in Korean and practising some punches and kicks ourselves. A big THANK YOU to Mrs Foot for taking the time to teach us some ninja skills and we also learnt a lot about control and patience. 

Finally some sunshine! Class 2 have had an enjoyable week continuing to play football rounders outside on the field. We're starting to get the rules of the game and even caught a few people out. We also had an exciting day on Tuesday when Atique Miah came into school to tell us what it was like to be a Muslim. We listened intently to Atique telling us all about the five pillars of Islam and what values he tried to uphold each day. We all had a go at drawing our own trees of Islam, thinking about what our version of heaven would look like. Class 2 are now trying to be the best version of themselves each and every day :) Finally, we read our biographies out to Class 6 on Friday afternoon. I was so impressed with some of the research, time and effort the childen had put into this piece of writing. Well done!

W/C 29th April

Class 2 have had a lovely week in the sun and rain. We've started learning about how to play football rounders and made a great start on getting to grips with the rules. We have also spent some time focusing on sliders and levers in D.T. with Miss Alston. We enjoyed looking at books that use sliders and levers, before we attempt to make our own. In Maths, we've finished our topic on time and moved onto money. Well done to all of class 2 who learnt how to tell the time amazingly! Have a well deserved bank holiday weekend :) 

We had a great day on Tuesday celebrating maths day. We focused on 'problem solving' and started the day off with a team challenge to see who could answer the most tricky questions in a team. There was some fantastic team support going on, as well some children working very logically, using trial and error to work out the best ways to solve their problems. After break, we enjoyed creating our own problem solving posters after thinking about which skills we needed to be excellent problem solvers. Finally, we ended the day with a maths escape room! The children did a great job sorting out the maths puzzles in time for the return of the Queen to the castle. Well done Class 2! 

W/C 8th April

Class 2 have enjoyed their first week of the Summer term :) We've been getting some more fresh air (in between the rain showers), practising our fractions, enjoying improvising on the glockenspiels and creating some expressive art. 

W/C 18th March

Class 2 have had great fun this week with the 'Scootability' team. They whizzed around the playground while dancing to some music. We've also really enjoyed using the new trim trail :) Have a lovely Easter break! 

WOW! What a fantastic Science Week we have had! Class 2 have been treated to a visit from some firefighters and we even got to look around the fire engine. We then met a real forensic scientist who taught us all about footprint evidence. We found out it was Mrs Crawford who stole Mrs Shirra's chair after some careful footprint examining. On Wednesday, we listened to an aerospace engineer and pilot tell us all about how important science is in their day to day jobs. Finally, in the classroom, we have been taking part in some of our own science experiments from building the longest marble run to creating different paperchains. Thank you to Mrs Martin for organising such an amazing week and to all our visitors for making it such a special week full of memorable experiences. 

Class 2 have had a busy week learning lots of new things. In R.E., we listened to the Christian Easter story. Following on from this, we decided to have go at acting out certain parts of the story in groups. It was great to see some donkeys, palm leaves and even an enjoyable last supper. In computing this term, we have been looking at the importance of instructions and algorithms when it comes to programming robots. We all had a go at making a prediction for our instructions before setting the beebots off on a little trip around the road we designed. The children loved it and we can't wait to give it another go next week! Thank you to Stanley and Rowley in Class 5 who created a fantastic P.E. warm up for us, which we all really enjoyed :) 

W/C 26th February

Class 2 have enjoyed working through our measurement unit in maths. We began by looking at scales (counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s) before we moved on to weighing the mass of objects in kg and g. Next, we focused on measuring the length or the playground and hall in metres before focusing on smaller classroom items in centimetres. Well done Class 2 :) 

W/C 19th February

Class 2 have had a great first week back and have been working very hard. I've been so impressed with Class 2's independence, focus and effort levels this week. Well done Class 2! In Geography, we really enjoyed creating our own sketch maps of Stratton. We made sure we added in a key with symbols showing the school and church. In R.E., we have started looking at the Christian Easter story. The children already had some fantastic ideas about what Easter meant to them and came up with thoughts such as 'new life', 'Easter eggs' and 'hot cross buns'. We then went on to create Easter collages and created some beautiful artwork with images, colours and words. 

W/C 5th February


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Class 2 enjoyed playing on the apparatus for their last P.E. lesson with Miss Alston. We have also been busy writing and publishing our sea beast stories ready to read to our family and friends on Friday. Finally, Class 2 composed their own songs on the recorders using the notes A and G. We hope you enjoy the videos :) 

W/C 29th January

On Monday, Class 2 enjoyed helping with the school's new mosaic artwork. We can't wait to see the end result at the front of the school soon. We also had our first ever music lesson on the recorders. We all listened well, making sure we had our hands in the correct position and our fingers covering the holes. We learnt the notes A and G then had a go at playing along to the song 'I've got music in my soul'. 

Class 2 have had a lovely week working very hard in all of our new topics! The children are enjoying learning all about the Islamic religion in RE. Last week, we learnt all about who Allah is too Muslims and this week we had the chance to take a look at a real Qur'an. The children took responsibility by making sure their hands were washed and clean before looking through it. We also treated the book with respect, wrapping it up in a cloth and placing it on a high shelf when we were finished. In music, we also had great fun learning to play a 3-note song on the glockenspiels as a class. I was so impressed with how in time the children all were and they all tried their hardest. Well done Class 2! 

Class 2 enjoyed practising their gymnastics skills with year 1 this week! We also completed a 'Remember it' paper in maths to see what we remembered from last term. Well done Class 2 smiley

Class 2 have had a great first week back after the Christmas break. We enjoyed choosing our new reading books after we did another Star Test on AR. We have also been learning all about division and can explain to you all what commutative means :) In P.E. this week, we pretended to be playdough to see what sort of shapes, rolls and movements we could do. We enjoyed shaping eachother into different poses as well! 
