First built in Saxon times, there is only a small piece of carved stone left, acting as a sill for the Aumbrey on the left of the Altar. Of the Norman replacement only the south wall remains, with a small window cut into it and a late perpendicular doorway containing the original oak studded door, once covered with leather. Over the door lintel is the Norman Tympanum, depicting the Tree of Life, to the right of the door pillar is the Mass Dial and by the door lock is the Consecration Cross, cut into the stonework. Remains of Early English plate tracery can be seen in the heads of some of the windows.
In the Chancel, on the right hand side is a black marble slab commemorating a former Lord of the Manor, Thomas Nicholas, whose tomb is in the sealed rectorial vault. The rest of the church was extensively renovated in 1849/50. The Harrison organ was given to St. Peter's in 1948 by Major G.Lethbridge-Galton in memory of his wife and paid for by the sale of a herd of cows. The present pulpit came from a redundant church in Norfolk in 1968. There are two bells in the bellcote, one dated 1671.
As you walk round the outside of the church, you can see the small Norman window with the stone at the top, marked to make it look as if it is many stones.
You can find more information about St Peter's Church Stratton at this website, including the latest copy of the Parish Link magazine. Each month our school contributes an article for the magazine
Each month families are invited to an all age service
Rev David regularly visits the school to lead worship and often brings with him the mischievous Scruffy the dog.
The Open the Book team also visit us each week to share their re-enactments of Bible stories, which are always a favourite of the children. Several Church members are part of this team which aims to equip people to share Bible stories with children in an accessible and enjoyable way for those of all faiths and none, and to tell Bible stories in ways that enable children to engage imaginatively with the text.
Our Year 6 leavers attend the service in Gloucester Cathedral in the summer term and our local church provides and presents Bibles to each and everyone of the leavers.
The experience journeys are an exciting way to share the story of the Christian faith and to engage children in the events and celebrations of major Christian festivals. Children travel around stations set up in the church building or outdoor space and have opportunities to respond through multi sensory activities.
We have experienced Easter and Pentecost, hosted kindly by our friends at St Peter's Church.
Seasonal worship
We are fortunate at Stratton School to be able to walk to St Peter's Church, where we celebrate Harvest, Christingle and Easter. At Christmas we invite the community to enjoy listening and watching the children perform in our Carol service .