Parent Support Advisor
My name is Emily Howe and I am the Parent Support Advisor for Stratton C of E Primary School. My role in school is to provide you with support, information and advice if you’re experiencing difficulty within the family. I can help support you with worries which are impacting on you and your family which could include worries about your child’s behaviour, wellbeing or education. Alternatively, there may be difficulties in the family which could be affecting you and your child which you want to talk about. I am here to listen in a safe setting and help signpost you to early help and advice where necessary. Support and advice is confidential although concerns relating to the safeguarding of children will always be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.
I can always be contacted via email . I may not have all the answers but we can work together to find them and move forward positively – I find just by starting a conversation we can start to feel better!
Stratton C of E School offer of Early Help
Any child may benefit from early help at Stratton C of E School we are able to signpost and access a range of support for a variety of needs.
Universal source of help for all families in Gloucestershire:
| Gloucestershire Family Information Service (FIS) Gloucestershire Family Information Service (FIS) advisors give impartial information on childcare, finances, parenting and education. FIS are a useful source of information for parents and professionals. They support families, children and young people aged 0-19 years of age (25 for young people with additional needs) and professionals working with these families. They can help link parents up with other organisations that might be able to help or provide the information themselves e.g. parents could ask them about holiday clubs for your children across Gloucestershire. Contact the FIS by Or telephone: (0800) 542 0202 or (01452) 427362. FIS also have a website which has a wealth of information to support many issues such as childcare and support for children with disabilities. |
GSCE (Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children’s Board) | website. Important information for parents and professionals across Gloucestershire in relation to keeping children safe and avenues of support including early help options. |
Stratton School’s universal support for all pupils and families | All staff are available in a pastoral capacity should parents have a concern about anything at all. Staff may not have the answer but will try to find out the answer or sign-post parents/other professionals in the right direction. Parents can either talk directly with the staff or telephone the Head. Staff are available within office hours (9am – 4pm on weekdays during term-time). School telephone number 01285 653431 |
Stratton School PSHE curriculum
| This curriculum covers many aspects of keeping young people safe, healthy, resilient and aware of the world around them so that they can make informed decisions. Where pupils have specific issues that need discussing or addressing we will make their wellbeing curriculum bespoke to them. Other specific topics helping pupils stay safe covered within the curriculum include(age appropriate content): Sex education: Children in Y5 and 6 have formal Sex education – discussing puberty, changes, personal hygiene. (Gloucestershire health living and learning team (GHLL) resource). Gender, identity and tolerance: preventing homophobic and transphobic bullying; preventing bullying of pupils from different types of families (e.g. same sex parents); avoiding anti-gay derogatory language; Gender identity - there isn’t such thing as a typical girl or a typical boy. Understanding and acceptance of others different than us, including those with different religions. Drugs: Alcohol, Smoking and illegal drugs. Keeping Safe: E-safety (facebook and internet); personal safety (out and about); How to respond to an emergency Emotional well-being: Where to go for help if you, your friend or family member is struggling with emotional well-being/mental health problems? What are the signs someone is struggling? What makes you feel good; How to look after you own emotional well-being; Personal strength and self esteem; Being happy! Relationships: How to make and maintain friendship; family relationships; different types of families; (SEAL) Healthy Living: Taking responsibility for managing your own health; Importance of sleep; The main components of healthy living (diet, exercise and wellbeing);Focus on breakfast; Managing health and wellbeing when you are unwell (making sure you take your medicine when you should, have the right perspective, doing what you can do within the limitations of your health condition. |
Home-school support | All of our Early Help is offered in partnership with parents / carers.
E-safety | E-safety is a key part of the ongoing (PSHE/SMSC/SRE) Curriculum. Staff are regularly update on E-safety and the are invited to train children, staff and parents. The school purchases the SWGfL Boost package.
Family Support Worker | Emily Howe is in school daily. |
Bullying (including cyber-bullying)/child death/suicide prevention
| All Gloucestershire schools including Stratton C of E are committed to tackling bullying. We want to know immediately if there any issues with bullying at school so that it can be addressed. We have a series of teaching resources produced by the Gloucestershire healthy living and Learning Team ( . Other sources of help and advice are: (Gloucestershire Safeguarding children’s board) . Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning team provide alerts and resources in relation to supporting young people being bullied. Education about bullying is an integral part of the Stratton’s PSHE curriculum. Stratton School takes part in the Anti-bullying week and uses the resources to support teaching and learning. |
Children or young people with multiple needs (vulnerable) or multiple needs (complex) requiring multi-agency input or assessment.
| Within Gloucestershire Families First teams provide multiagency support for children and families. A phone call to discuss a possible referral is helpful before making written referral. School actively refer to when appropriate: Families First Teams Gloucester (tel: 01452 328076), Stroud (tel: 01452 328130); Tewkesbury (tel: 01452 328 250), Cotswold (tel: 01452 328101), Forest of Dean (tel: 01452 328048) and Cheltenham (tel: 01452 328160). These teams are made up of the following professionals: Early Help co-ordinator; Community Lead Professional - disabled children and young people; Inclusion Co-ordinator; Community Social Worker; Family Support Workers. They all work together from one base so they can recognise and respond to local needs and act as a focal point for co-ordinating support for vulnerable children, young people and their families. Support provided includes: Support for school and community based lead professionals working with children and families through the assessment process; Collaboration with social care referrals that do not meet their thresholds, to co-ordinate support within the community; Work in partnership to support children with special educational needs in school; Advice and guidance from a social work perspective on a 'discussion in principle basis' ; Support children with disabilities and their families to access activities and meet specific needs; Advice and guidance to lead professionals and the provision of high quality parenting and family support services to families. Youth Support Team (YST): The Youth Support Team provide a range of services for vulnerable young people aged between11 - 19 (and up to 25 for young people with special needs), including: - Youth offending - Looked after children - Care leaver's support services (for those aged 16+) - Early intervention and prevention service for 11 - 19 year olds - Support for young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities - Positive activities for young people with disabilities - Support with housing and homelessness - Help and support to tackle substance misuse problems and other health issues - Support into education, training and employment - Support for teenage parents
For General Enquiries: T: 01452 426900 E: To make a referral: T: 01452 427923 E:
Drug concerns | Info Buzz provides individual targeted support around drugs & emotional health issues, development of personal & social skills, and information & support around substance misuse. Drugs education is covered in the school curriculum. The Life Education Bus visits annually as part of this provision (PSHE/SMSC) curriculum as a preventative measure.
Mental health concerns * Please note that in Gloucestershire CYPS (children and young people’s services) replaced CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services)
| Referral to school nurses may be appropriate. Referral to CYPS (Gloucestershire’s mental health services) via your own GP. For children/young people/adults with existing mental health difficulties concerns should be discussed with the existing medical professionals (consultant psychiatrists). In an emergency call 999 or 111. CYPS* Practitioner advice line (for professionals to call) tel: 01452 894272.
Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) including ‘county lines’ | Information regarding Child Criminal exploitation can be found at Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: county lines - GOV.UK ( If you suspect a child to be in immediate risk of harm you should contact the police. |
Child Sexual exploitation (CSE)
| CSE screening tool (can be located on the GSCE website: protocols) This should be completed if CSE suspected. Clear information about Warning signs, the screening tool and Gloucestershire's multi-agency protocol for safeguarding children at risk of CSE are at Referrals should be made to Gloucestershire social care and the Gloucestershire Police. Gloucestershire Police CSE Team: The CSE team sits within the Public Protection Bureau 19 Single agency team (Police) DS Nigel Hatten, DC Tess Nawaz, DC Kim Toogood, PC Dawn Collings, PC Nicki Dannatt, PC Jenny Kadodia, PC Christina Pfister (Missing persons Coordinator) 01242 276846 All referrals to go to the Central Referral Unit 01242 247999 • Further information: National Working Group (Network tackling Child Sexual Exploitation) and PACE UK (Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation)
Domestic violence | The GSCE (Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children’s board) have published a Domestic Abuse pathway for educational settings which is on the GSCE website. If a child or young person is suspected of living at home with a domestically abusive parent or if a young person has domestic abuse in their own relationship then the usual procedures should be followed and a referral made to the children’s helpdesk (tel: 01452 426565). The response will vary according to the age of the young person so that the appropriate agencies are involved. Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) MARAC Gloucestershire Constabulary: Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARACs) prioritise the safety of victims who have been risk assessed at high or very high risk of harm. The MARAC is an integral part of the Specialist Domestic Violence Court Programme, and information will be shared between the MARAC and the Courts, in high and very high risk cases, as part of the process of risk management.
Teenage relationship abuse
| Please see comment about the Domestic abuse pathway for educational settings above (in domestic violence section). – home office ‘teachers guide to violence and abuse in teenage relationships.’ All violence or suspected violence should be reported the police and/or social care as appropriate. GDASS (Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service) can be referred to for support. Young person’s GDASS leaflet. Lead GHLL Teacher for advice and support with curriculum resources (tel: 01452 427208) Gloucestershire Take a Stand – Holly Gazzard Trust (local charity) – support worker. Prevention: Resources used in the Wellbeing curriculum with pupils are the ‘Teenage Relationship Abuse’ and ‘Give and Get’ (about consent) Curriculum resources –
Fabricated and induced illness (FII)
| for information on behaviours and motivation behind FII. Any professionals suspecting FII must involve the Police, Social Services and follow the child protection procedures outlined in this policy.
Faith abuse | for copy of DfE document ‘national action plan to tackle child abuse linked to faith or belief.’ Judith Knight; Diocese of Gloucester Head of Safeguarding/faith abuse contact: For other faith groups contact Nigel Hatten (GCC LADO). |
Female genital mutilation (FGM)
| for NHS information and signs of FGM. Any suspicion of FGM should be referred to the Police and social care.
Forced marriage | SPOC (Single Point of Contact) for Forced Marriage in Gloucestershire is Acting DI Jo Mercurio (Gloucestershire Constabulary, Public Protection Bureau). UK Forced Marriage Unit Telephone: 020 7008 0151 Call 999 (police) in an emergency. for information on Forced Marriage. Visit Home Office website to undertake Forced Marriage e-learning package GSCE one day Awareness training delivered by Infobuzz Please see ‘Multi-Agency Practice Guidelines- Handling cases of Forced Marriage’ for more information and detail All practitioners must be aware of this, that is they may only have one chance to speak to a potential victim and thus they may only have one chance to save a life. This means that all practitioners working within statutory agencies need to be aware of their responsibilities and obligations when they come across forced marriage cases. If the victim is allowed to walk out of the door without support being offered, that one chance might be wasted. Prevention Freedom Charity- Aneeta Prem ‘But it’s not fair’ book. A book for teenagers looking at forced marriage from the point of view of school friends of the girl who went to India and didn't come back. This book promotes discussion.
Gangs and youth violence
| Contact the Avenger Task Force/Inspector Neil Smith (Gloucestershire Police tel: 101). A task force set up to identify potential gang members as vulnerable individuals and potential victims and aims to help them. Prevention: wellbeing curriculum – self-esteem & identity, law & order and considering impact of violence on communities |
Gender-based | home office policy document, ‘Ending violence against women and girls (WAWG) against women and girls in the UK’ (June 2014). FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is violence against women and girls. Hope House SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre): 01452 754390
Honour based violence (HBV)
| Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre: 01452 526770 The police have made it a high priority to help communities fight back to tackle both honour based violence and hate crime. The ‘Honour Network Help line’: 0800 5 999 247 Inspector Fay Komarah is the Gloucestershire Police contact for honour based violence.
Mental health | CYPS (Gloucestershire’s mental health services) CYPS (Gloucestershire children’s mental health services). Consultant psychiatrists. PSHCE / SMSC curriculum – emotional wellbeing, stress management
Private fostering | Gloucestershire County council website information on private fostering. Refer to Gloucestershire Children & Families Helpdesk on 01452 426565 or Gloucestershire Private Fostering Social Worker 01452 427874. A private fostering arrangement is essentially one that is made without the involvement of a local authority. Private fostering is defined in the Children Act 1989 and occurs when a child or young person under the age of 16 (under 18 if disabled) is cared for and provided with accommodation, for 28 days or more, by someone who is not their parent, guardian or a close relative. (Close relatives are defined as; step-parents, siblings, brothers or sisters of parents or grandparents).
radicalisation | Gloucestershire Constabulary: 101 and Nigel Hatten (LADO) Anti-Terrorist Hotline: 0800 789 321 See Appendix 2 for further information on radicalisation. Prevention: Stratton C of E School teach traditional British values through the curriculum: democracy, rule of law, respect for others, liberty, tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and promotion of ‘Britishness’. |
Sexting | (NSPCC website). Gloucestershire Police have a small sexual exploitation team. Contact Sgt. Nigel Hatton.Prevention: ‘So you got naked online’ (sexting information leaflet produced for pupils by south west grid for learning) included in the Wellbeing (PSHE/SMSC) curriculum. Also shared with parents. Pupils informed that sexting is illegal but the police have stated that young people should be treated as victims in the first place and not usually face prosecution. The police’s priority is thosewho profit from sexual images of young people....not the victims.
Trafficking | Serious crime which must be reported to Nigel Hatten
(Gloucestershire LADO) and the Gloucestershire Police. Trafficking can include a young person being moved across the same street to a different address for the purpose of exploitation. It doesn’t have to include people, children or young people being moved great distances. See Appendix 2 for further information on Trafficking.
Children who run away (missing persons/missing children)
| PC Christina Pfister (Missing persons Coordinator Gloucestershire Police). Tel: 101 (Gloucestershire Police). GSCE Missing Children Protocol Gloucestershire's protocol on partnership working when children and young people run away and go missing from home or care. ASTRA (Gloucestershire): The ASTRA (Alternative Solutions To Running Away) has the primary aim of reducing the incidence of persistent running away across Gloucestershire. The project provides support, advice and information to young people up to eighteen years old who have run away. This might be from a family home, foster home or from a residential unit. ASTRA provides support after the event to enable a young person to address the causes of running away. The ASTRA project offers young people help and the support required in order to find Alternative Solutions To Running Away. Freephone Telephone number: 0800-389-4992 EXCLUSIVELY for young people who have run away and have no money. All other callers are asked to use the 'ordinary' number ( tel: 01452 541599).
CME (Children missing education)
| Anyone concerned that a child is missing education (CME) can make a referral to the Education Entitlement and Inclusion team (EEI) at Gloucestershire County Council. Tel: 01452 426960/427360. Children Missing Education (CME) protocol can be found at:
Upskirting | The Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019, which is commonly known as the Upskirting Act, came into force on 12 April 2019. ‘Upskirting’ is where someone takes a picture under a person’s clothing (not necessarily a skirt) without their permission and or knowledge, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks (with or without underwear) to obtain sexual gratification, or cause the victim humiliation, distress or alarm. It is a criminal offence. Anyone of any sex, can be a victim. It should be reported to the police.