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12th January - Class 4 started learning how to play the cornet!

January 26th class news.


This week Class 4 have done so much! Not only have we been busy at school but we were lucky enough to get to take part in Young Voices in Birmingham. We finally got to perform the song we had practised for months and it was amazing. A huge thank you to Mrs Shirra for organising! There are some pictures and videos on the music page of the website for anyone who would like to see them!

5th February Class News. This week, Class 4 have been very busy already! It's Children's Mental Health week and we finished our DT unit and made 3 types of pasta!

Class News 19th February

This week, Class 4 have started rehersing their class performance. They're working hard learning songs and ppractising their lines. We're so exciting to share it with parents in March!

March 1st Class news. This week, Class 4 spent some time learning about an artist called Shaheen Ahmed and discussing her work. They then bacn to look at completeing their own art. They had a set of rules to follow and had to create artwork to follow those rules.

Class News 15th March 2024. Class 4 had such an amazing time in science week. We have learnt so much and had a great time doing it. Thank you to Mrs Martin for planning such a packed week and thank you to all of our visitors who came to speak about their jobs and how science links to them.

Class News 18th March 2024. Class 4 have had such a busy week! We're performing our production to the school and parents this week and we're very excited to share our hard work. We've also been super lucky to take part in ScootFit which was amazing! We'll also be performing our cornet skills for parents!

Class News 12.4.24 Class 4 have had a lovely first week back. We have started our new DT project and our new history topic. We were also invited to the church to 'Experience Easter'. We had a lovely time and the children were so thoughtful in their questions and comments. They were also so well behaved. Well done Class 4!

On the 16th of April, we took part in Maths Day. We focused on problem solving. We decided that in order to solve a problem, we need to be resilient and keep on trying even if we struggle to find the answer. We also got to take part in a maths escape room which was great fun!

This week has been so exciting we've got two sets of class news! We also got to see an amazing science show by the Royal Institute called 'Explosive food'. We learnt about digestion and all the parts of the body involved and we got to see some exploding food!

On the 30th of April, Class 4 got to go an a super exciting trip to Gloucester on the train! We started in Kemble and got the train to Gloucester where we got to see lots of parts of the city and were taught about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons in the area.
