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Religious Education

We use the 2017 Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity resources to plan our Religious Education curriculum.


The 2017 Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus has been created for Gloucestershire SACRE and approved by Gloucestershire County Council. It provides a syllabus for religious education (RE) for Gloucestershire schools and a coherent framework for setting high standards of learning in RE, and enabling pupils to reach their potential in the subject. It builds on the good practice established in the previous Gloucestershire syllabuses since 2006. 


The principal aim of Religious Education, which our curriculum planning supports, is to:

explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.


REaction Award -Bronze Level (July 2024)

Year 3's Christmas Trip to Viney Hill

Class R's visit to Stratton Church

Class R had a fabulous time when they visited Stratton church. The sun was shining for the walk and Reverend David was there to show them around. They looked at the key features of a Christian church and enjoyed exploring the building. They saw the font, altar, pulpit, lectern and stained glass windows. They also saw the organ and heard the bells ringing!

Class 3's visit to a Mosque in Gloucester

Experience Easter at Stratton Church

Reverend David and Fluffy visit Stratton School
